Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I don’t remember where I had read these words.
“Things are clearer at a distance, in space as well as time”.

As I move away from school in space and time, it’s understanding is getting clearer while the understanding of self is getting more ambiguous than ever.

The existing surfaces seem inadequate. The self is looking for new surfaces to cling on to, new edges to hold on to, new container to contain one self and new yardstick to evaluate and judge things.

Existing ones are slowly and partly becoming visible and tangible. But I can only see how deeply they are rooted within.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Banganga days...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

It is 10:40. I am waiting for Duttaram to get a coffee and his hilarious running commentary for the day. Merlyn is talking to Charles in a tensed voice on phone. He is at airport leaving for Cyprus. Alankar is humming some song with a smile on his face. Mitali is busy checking her emails. After quite along everyone looks relaxed. Last two weeks have been quite stressful. The Chennai project is taking off at full speed. This is my first project in terms of technical detailing. Previously I worked on a planning project and was shifted to Chennai project due to increasing pressure. It has been more than two months and my notions of making a technical drawing have changed considerably. It is fun to see the way Charles uses the medium of a technical drawing to turn anything into a sculpture, a turn of a railing, a strut for glazing, an abruptly standing column. There is nothing in the building as well as in drawing which doesn’t catch his eye and isn’t given a thought. It is amazing to see him being so rigorous for everything, even tiny things, at 77.

Today is our cleaning day. It is fun to clean this office. It is filled with stories. Every piece of paper found is a story in itself. I enjoy excavating these stories.